Upcoming Talks
September 12 (2024). One Less for the Knowledge Norm of Assertion. British Society for the Theory of Knowledge, University of Glasgow.
October 7-10 (2024). Norms of Assertion and Evidential Hedges. BIAP Workshop on Evidential Norms and Sources of Normative Knowledge, University of Barcelona.
October 24 (2024). Evidentially Hedged Assertions. Epistemology Workshop, University of Oporto.
October 25 (2024). Evidentially Hedged Assertions. LangCog Seminar, University of Lisbon.
Dicember (2024). Shifty Standards of Knowledge, Shifty Standards of Proof? Law and Philosophy Colloquim, Pompeu Fabra University.
February 21 (2025). Does Proof Beyond Reasonable Doubt Require Knowledge? Evidence Law Seminar, University of Girona.